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I translate novels. Romance novels. Into Italian.


When I come across a text beautifully written, I even brag about it.

Those cases are few and far between.


Over the years, I have translated many books. On this page, you'll find those that meant the most to me, and they are not all romance novels. They are in their original language. If you're looking for the Italian edition, switch to the Italian page.


Happy reading...

What if?

Shari Low

(A caccia dell'amore)

Xmas Beginners.jpg

Christmas for Beginners

C. Matthews

(Tutto Bene tranne il Natale)

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Arresting Resist

K. Eade

(Senza opporre resistenza)

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Madame President

Tara Sue Me

(Miss President)

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Rocked Up

K. Halle & S. Mackenzie

(Ricordati di me)


The Player

C. Contreras

(Game of Love)

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Elastic Hearts

C. Contreras

(Love in my Heart)

Paper Hearts.jpg

Paper Hearts

C. Contreras

(Love for Love)

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Torn Hearts

C. Contreras

(love is Forever)

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Kaleidoscope Hearts

C. Contreras

(Life is Love)

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Green-eyed Thieves

I. Coovadia

(I ladri dagli occhi verdi)



L. Carroll

(Prima o poi mi innamoro)



J. Elliott

(Diario di un'adolescenza rubata)

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What was lost

C. O'Flynn

(La bambina che sapeva troppo)


Party Girl

A. David

(Le avventure erotiche di una party girl)


The Amnesia Clinic

J. Scudamore

(La gang degli smemorati)

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War Law

M. Byers

(Il libro bianco della guerra)

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My Life with George

J. Summers

(La mia vita con George)

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Yoga School Dropout

L. Edge

(L'amore, il sesso e lo yoga)


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